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Sarah the Stripper: The Full Collection
Sarah the Stripper: The Full Collection Read online
Sarah the Stripper
The Full Collection
All Episodes One to Eight
By Anna Price
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder. Copyright © 2013 by DigiSmith Press
Table of Contents
The Stripper’s Awakening
The Stripper Learns to Suck
The Stripper Screws a Stranger
The Stripper’s Threesome
The Stripper in Bondage
The Stripper Takes Control
The Stripper Slows Down
The Stripper’s Gangbang
The Stripper’s Awakening
After a terrible week with problems in school, a car accident, and sudden unemployment, Sarah is at her wit’s end. Her roommate Carolyn gets her a job as a stripper, and her life is about to change. It changes faster than she thinks, though, because right after their first performance, Carolyn decides to give Sarah her first lesbian sex experience!
Sarah could not believe her luck! She failed her science final exam, and that meant her scholarship was in jeopardy, she was fired from her job due to lack of customers, and on the way home she was in a minor fender bender. She didn’t know what to do and all she could think of was jumping off a bridge. She sat on the couch, with her knees drawn up to her chest, crying. Her roommate, Carolyn walked in the door of their small two bedroom apartment and when she saw Sarah, she ran to the couch and hugged her.
“Sarah what the fuck is wrong honey? Are you okay?”
‘No I am far from okay! This entire day sucked cock and it is only Tuesday! I lost my job, failed an exam and ran into the back of some stupid old cunt that couldn’t use a turn signal! I am just fucking done and don’t know what to do! “
“First, you need to breathe! The last thing I need is to call an ambulance about my roommate dying on the floor! Now, one thing at a time okay? The exam, can you make it up?”
“Yes I can.”
“So stop crying about that and make it up. Second the old lady you hit, how bad did you fuck up her car and yours?”
“I scratched the paint on her car, but she called the cops and a police report was done and now my insurance will go up!”
“Big fucking deal, it will go up like twenty dollars, stop crying about that. Last, the job, you barely made any money there anyway. Look, they are hiring at my club. Don’t give me that look Sarah. You can make close to a grand a night! I have seen you dance and you look good!”
“Yeah but only after a drink or five.”
“So have a few drinks then go on stage! Fuck, I do and look; all my shit is taken care of.”
“Carolyn I have nothing to wear for that kind of stuff.”
“Wow, seems you have forgotten the fact that I work in a strip club. I have a few things you can wear at the start, but then it’s all skin!”
“I am not sure I can.”
“Yes you can. Now get the fuck up, take a shower and I will get a few little things together.”
Sarah glared at Carolyn but knew better than to argue with her. She rolled her eyes and smiled as she got off the couch. Once in the bathroom, she stripped off her clothes and got in the shower. The hot water felt so good on her flesh, and she finally relaxed. She washed her body and when her cloth touched her pussy, a small moan escaped her lips. She dropped the cloth and started rubbing her clit with her index finger. The shock waves ripped through her entire body and she bit her bottom lip. She had always been the door mouse type and at the age of twenty two, she might have played with her pussy ten fifteen times in her life! She was no virgin, she had sex before, but it was pretty tamed to say the least.
She began rubbing her clit left and right, and then up and down. With each movement, her knees became weaker and weaker and she had to sit down. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head and her breathing became fast, shallow and heavy. Her pussy was instantly on fire and as her toes began to curl, her climax took over. With each orgasmic spasm that went through her pussy, her breathing became even more rapid and shallow. She bit down on her lip even harder to stop herself from screaming. Once she was able to stand, she got to her feet and finished washing herself off in the shower.
Sarah had a towel wrapped around her when Carolyn barged in the bathroom with her hand in between her legs.
“Sorry baby girl, but I have to pee so damn bad! Hell you have been in here for a month already!”
“I was not! Did you get the clothes?”
“Well, I don’t think what I have picked out would be considered clothes, but yes I did. Look on the bed. Now stop talking, I can’t pee and talk at the same time.”
Sarah rolled her eyes and walked into her bedroom to see what Carolyn had picked out.
What was on her bed was really nothing more than shreds of cloth with glitter splashed on them! She expected this, but actually wearing them, well that was a different story all together! Carolyn walked in and could not help but laugh.
“Well what did you expect, a wedding dress?”
“No, you bitch, but I mean really? There is nothing here!”
“Look baby cakes, the less you wear, the less you have to take off. Stripping remember? Now come on, let’s get the hair and make-up done. Leave the majority of your hair straight, but have some curl at the end, guys love the curls. As for the make-up, eyeliner, like cat eyes, match your eye shadow with whatever outfit you pick, and lips, well gloss them mother fuckers up! The more gloss, the harder their cocks get. Now the most important weapon is the shoes. This is the only thing that you will be wearing the entire time, so choose wisely. Silver or black seems to be what they crave, and the higher the heels the better! They make your legs look amazing! Here, wear these.”
Carolyn handed Sarah a pair of black, patent leather seven inch high heel shoes that laced all the way up to the upper thigh. Sarah wasn’t too nervous, she wore the shoes before, on many occasions in fact and she loved them. One thing she always loved was high heels, so she was okay with the fact she had to wear them. Carolyn all of a sudden squealed and ran back into her bedroom. Sarah was now worried, when Carolyn made that noise, nothing good ever came from it.
After only a few minutes, Carolyn ran back into Sarah’s room, shoving an outfit in her hands. Sarah looked and immediately shook her head.
“There is no way in hell I am going to wear this! What the fuck, no way!”
“Look, all, and I mean all men have this fantasy! Stop bitching; the school girl outfit with those shoes will make you enough money in one night for you to cover all your bills. Now I could be a cunt and say you better wear this or I will boot you out on your ass! I will say it you know. Sarah, you will do great. I will cover your bar tab before you go on, hell if you want, you and I will do a routine together, this way you are not alone, and all the tip money will be yours okay?”
Sarah looked at the school girl’s outfit and rolled her eyes. The white button up shirt was probably just long enough to cover her tits. The tie was a skinny one and was black with a small gold crest at the top. The skirt was a red, black and white plaid pattern, and that would not even cover her heart shaped ass. Carolyn grabbed a pair of boy short style panties that would complement the outfit perfect.
“Just this? No bra?”
“No, no fucking bra! I mean really Sarah!”
“Okay fine, now what are you going to wear?”
“Well, since you are a naughty school girl, I will be the head mistress. I mean you start out dancing, then you act like you trip. I will come stomping out on stage with a chair. Then we do a
spanking type thing, then you start dancing and taking off my little ensemble and we both grind on each other and just take it from there! Now let’s get ready okay?”
Sarah just looked at her like she was an alien and nodded her head yes, and for some reason the thought of her being spanked by her sexy roommate made her pussy tingle. She couldn’t believe that she felt this and she pushed that thought out of her mind. Carolyn giggled and went to her room to change and Sarah started to get dressed as well. They took Carolyn’s car to the club and went in through the back door. Carolyn made sure that there was a bottle of Patron ready for them when they arrived, and there it was, sitting on her dressing table. Sarah laughed and grabbed it and took a nice hearty swig straight from the bottle and handed it to Carolyn who did the same. This went on for about fifteen minutes, and when it was time for their routine, Sarah was ready!
The two girls walked into the apartment, laughing from the buzz and the fact that they had a standing ovation for their performance! They fell on the couch and Sarah was tossing the money into the air. Out of nowhere, Carolyn leaned over and kissed her. This was not just a peck; this was a deep and sensual kiss. Sarah enjoyed it and began kissing back. Carolyn was now pinching and pulling Sarah’s nipples and Sarah had her hand on Carolyn’s pussy.
“Carolyn, I have never been with a girl before.”
“It is okay baby, plus I am not a girl, I am a woman. Just touch me the same way you touch yourself okay? I will teach you.”
Sarah nodded her head and was rubbing Carolyn’s clit the exact same way she had done to her own in the shower.
Carolyn was now sliding her fingers inside Sarah’s wet pussy and Sarah moaned and did the exact same thing to her. Both girls were finger fucking each other and moaning. Carolyn used her thumb and was rubbing Sarah’s clit as she finger fucked her and Sarah did the same. Their apartment was filled with the sounds of their moans, wet cunts and the scent of their pussies! It was arousing and Sarah could not get enough. Soon Carolyn’s pussy began to contract on her fingers and Sarah knew she was cumming! This made her slam her fingers in and out harder and move her thumb even faster. Carolyn tossed her head back and screamed. She looked into Sarah’s eyes and said “Now it is your turn!”
Carolyn got to her knees and started licking Sarah’s sweet pussy. Sarah moaned out louder and louder as Carolyn’s hot tongue impaled her. Now Carolyn rammed two fingers deep inside her and licked Sarah’s clit. This alone sent her pussy into a fit of orgasmic spasms and Carolyn had to grab her hip with her free hand so could finish the job! Sarah was in such a state of pleasure that no sound escaped her throat, and Carolyn finger fucked and ate her pussy harder and faster. Sarah was bucking her hips up and down, fucking both Carolyn’s fingers and her face. Her pussy exploded and Carolyn’s face and finger were covered in pussy juice.
When Sarah caught her breath, she looked down at Carolyn and watched as she was licking her lips and sucking the cum off of her fingers. Carolyn smiled and Sarah laughed. Carolyn got up off the floor, took Sarah by the hand and helped her to her feet. Sarah smiled and batted her eyes at Carolyn, and leaned in to kiss her. She could taste her own pussy on Carolyn’s lips and this turned her on even more. Carolyn led Sarah to the bathroom and turned on the shower.
“Okay baby, time to shower and then bed.”
“Bed? Really?”
Carolyn had a smirk on her face and just looked at her. She slid her hand back down to Sarah’s sensitive pussy and laughed.
“I said bed, but I never said whose bed, and never said a word about sleep!”
The Stripper Learns to Suck
After an excellent first night, Sarah discovers that the strip club owner wants her for full time work, and that means making thousands on the weekends. She’s excited as hell about it, but she’s about to discover there’s more to the job than dancing, and the club owner is very, very, very specific about his desires.
Sarah woke up and had the biggest smile on her face! She rolled over to see Carolyn sucking her thumb right next to her and she was snoring just the slightest bit. She figured she would make them both breakfast, and she slowly began to slide off the bed.
“Hey where do you think you are going young lady?”
“Shit Carolyn, I thought you were sleeping! I was going to make us breakfast.”
“I have a wicked craving for sushi, can you make that?”
“Sushi is raw fish, how in the hell am I going to do that?”
“I was craving you silly; now get back in bed this instant.”
“I would love too, but unlike you, I have school. So if you want sushi, I will get it for dinner.”
“You are missing the point, but okay.”
Sarah laughed and left the room. This was the start of a new life for her, and she was enjoying it so far. She arrived at the campus and dreaded going to her first class, it was science. She knew that her professor would ride her ass about failing the exam, but she would just have to keep her mouth shut and take the lecture. She walked in the class and decided to sit in the back to avoid any conflict, but to her surprise, her professor was not in class today. He had a student aide take over and Sarah let out a sigh of relief, seems today was not going to be so bad after all!
All day she thought of her first night at the strip club. She was very nervous before she went on stage, but the Patron helped ease the nerves, and the fact that Carolyn was dancing with her. She took her place on stage and her heart was in her throat. The strobe light began to flash and the music began, it was time. She slowly walked out and started to dance. The club went wild and her entire being was filled with electricity! She swayed her hips in perfect time with the music, and every now and again she would stumble. She recovered and put her finger in mouth, and had an “Ooops” expression on her face. The crowed loved it, and when Carolyn stomped out on stage, the crowd roared! Sarah smiled and could not wait for the next time she could go on stage.
She walked in the door and Carolyn rushed at her and almost knocked her to the floor.
“What the fuck Carolyn? Damn!”
“Okay listen, I am sorry about that trust me, but something happened at the club and you remember Mike right? The owner? Cassie that one dancer that gave us dirty looks, that bitch has hated me since day one, maybe because I was fucking Mike better than she was.”
“Okay that is all well and good, but you are rambling on and on, what does this have to do with me?”
“Well if you would have let me finish, I was just about to tell you. Okay, so after we left the crowed begged for more, and when that whore went on stage, she was so drunk that she fell off stage and puked on a VIP member! She has been getting drunk all the fucking time and Mike finally got fed up and fired her!”
“Once again, what does this have to do with me?”
“Wow, for a college student you are a fucking idiot!”
“Fuck off, I am a business major not a try to read what your roommate is trying to tell you major.”
“Okay, Cassie was fired. We brought the house down last night; Mike wants to hire you on! Don’t you get it? Look you made what, two grand last night right? Imagine what you can make three times a week, and if you work the weekend instead of during the week, triple that shit!”
Sarah could not believe this! This was great and she loved being on stage, naked and having all the men and women drool over her. She felt powerful and was addicted to it, plus the money was fucking amazing and she would not say no, she would be stupid if she did. She smiled and looked right into Carolyn’s eyes.
“So does that smile mean it is a yes?”
“That smile means that if I say no, I am an idiot! I need the money my sex kitten.”
Carolyn screamed and started jumping up and down like a little girl and Sarah just laughed. Carolyn pulled her cell phone out of her back pocket and dialed the club. Sarah went into the kitchen to grab a drink and she listened as Carolyn was rambling once again to Mike. She laughed as she heard her roommate tell Mike t
hat if he would just shut up and give her a chance, she would tell him. Sarah smiled and watched as Carolyn rolled her eyes and finally told Mike that Sarah agreed and would work the weekends only. Mike agreed and Carolyn closed her phone with a satisfied smile.
“I have a question, why am I only working the weekends?”
“You think I am crazy? I am not sharing the light with you! I love you and all, but you are a much better dancer than me, so you will own the weekends and me the week. Deal?”
“ Ummm, do I have a choice?”
“Not really honey. Now I must tell you a little secret, and do not hate me okay?”
“Fuck that, how can I not hate you when I have no idea what the secret is?”
“In order for you to work on the weekends, you have to suck Mike’s cock, at least once during that time.”
“Fuck that! You call him up right now and tell him no!”
“It is just a cock and a damn good one too. Look you will make fucking bank, and if you suck him good enough, he will give you anything you want. You are in control.”
Sarah liked the sound of that and she agreed. One thing that Carolyn did not tell her was that Mike liked to face fuck! He loved to ram his fat cock down the girls throat and watch them cry and gag. Carolyn figured she would let Sarah figure that out on her own.
Friday night came and it was Sarah’s first night as a solo act. She decided to dress as a candy striper nurse and knew that this would drive the men crazy! She waved to Lance, he was the bar tender and the bouncer and he waved back to her with a smile and pointed to the office. Sarah nodded her head and walked to the office. The door was open and she saw Mike sitting behind his desk talking on the phone. He looked up and motioned for her to come in and she did. She took a seat in the chair cross from him and waited for him to get off the phone. She knew what she was going to have to do, and she was okay with it, for the most part. Once he was off the phone, Mike folded his hands on his desk in a very business-like manner and cleared his throat.